It’s impressive to see children memorize Bible verses well, isn’t it? But being able to do that is not always as easy as 1-2-3.
In this blog, discover 8 ways to help your kids memorize Bible verses faster and easier.
1) Start Them Young
Kids have a sharp memory. Compared to adults, they can memorize things easier and faster. It is because adults’ minds are designed to perform while children’s minds are built to learn.
According to the International Bible Society, 83% of Christians make their first commitment to Jesus between ages 4 and 14. Missionaries comprise most of this number1.
This study supports what the Bible says in Proverbs 22:6 (ESV). That is, “train up a child in the way he should go.” And “even when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
With this, we should never undervalue early spiritual training for our children. In fact, Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me and do not hinder them for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven” (Matthew 19:14, ESV).
2) Motivate Them
Motivating your kids to memorize Bible verses can be tricky.
One reason is that they have a short attention span. Also, there are a lot of distractions that compete for their attention. Social media is one of these.
So, how can you, as a parent, motivate them?
Reward their memorization with any of these:
- Stars, certificates, badges, gifts, or the like
- Additional time to play
- Snack treat
- Trip to a dream destination
- Appreciation and validation
Just a friendly reminder though.
Children are motivated to accomplish something if there’s a reward or some sort of punishment. We call it extrinsic motivation.
In a sense, it’s a win-win situation.
On the children’s part, they develop their memorization skills, learn more about the Bible, and practice obedience.
On your part as the parent, you get a sense of fulfillment, having motivated them to do what they should.
But remember that too much of everything is bad.
If kids get used to doing things for a reward, they might always ask for it enough to forget the real essence of studying the Bible.
Teach your kids to memorize Bible verses because it’s good for them, not because there’s something to expect in return. With or without a reward, they should wholeheartedly do what is right.
3) Try These 10 Practical Hacks
Kids have different learning styles. Your job is to identify what’s most effective with them.
Here are 10 ways you can implement:
a. Write it.
Experts claim that kids memorize things better when they write them.
Doing so allows them to evaluate the information they receive. They engrave the ideas more firmly in the brain, leading to better mental recall.
b. Post it.
Do you have the habit of posting reminders on your fridge?
The medicine you need to take this morning. The meal you have to cook for lunch. Or your dental appointment tonight.
It’s easier to remember things when you see and read them, isn’t it?
So, why not post those Bible verses you want your kids to memorize for the day?
But, of course, they can be on other objects aside from the fridge. You can post them on your bedroom wall, door, or anywhere your kids can easily notice but won’t look messy.
You may even decorate it with origami work, frames, borders, and so on. Just be creative.
c. Highlight it.
Highlighting Bible verses allows your kids to create mental maps in the brain, leading to memorization.
You can assign different colors for different categories such as the following:
- Green – God’s promises
- Red – His reminders
- Blue – prayers
- Yellow – facts
What else do you have in mind?
d. Recite it.
Reciting Bible verses allows the mind to reinforce information.
Experts say that hearing your voice includes a distinctive, self-referential component.
When you need to recover an idea, your brain uses a distinctive component to process it.
Let your kids try it. See if it won’t be as effective as we claim.
e. Sing it.
When learning a new song, you tend to memorize it easier when you sing it with the lyrics, right? It does the same as recitation, which we previously tackled.
According to science, musical activities stimulate the dorsal medial prefrontal cortex. This part of the brain is associated with autobiographical memories and emotions2.
For people with Alzheimer’s disease, this cortex is the last one surviving. That’s how strong it is.
With this, singing helps your kids memorize Bible verses a lot easier.
f. Make a scrapbook.
Making a scrapbook doesn’t only stimulate your kids’ creativity but also boosts their memory.
Giving your mind a workout keeps it sharp. As such, scrapbooking is one of the activities that help your kids remember names and connections well3.
g. Act it.
Acting gives your kids an opportunity to practice their creativity and imagination.
Education experts claim that children remember things better when they experience them hands-on and associate them with feelings.
For instance, you can assign a hand gesture for each word of the Bible verse your kids memorize. It makes them remember the text easily because of the associated action.
h. Draw it.
Studies show that drawing is superior to activities such as reading and writing4.
It forces you to process information in multiple ways—visually, kinesthetically, and semantically.
Experiments also show that drawing increases mental recall by nearly double. Hence, it is a powerful way to boost your kids’ memory.
i. Teach other children.
When your kids teach what they know, they gain a better understanding of it.
Compared to just studying and reviewing, sharing knowledge leads to better retention.
j. Play games.
By playing games, kids improve concentration.
They develop attention to detail, making it easy to memorize things. And the fun part is, they enjoy and engage a lot.
4) Walk the Talk
Children mirror what we, parents, teach and show them.
If they see that what we preach is inconsistent with what we live up to, they get confused. We lose some credibility to influence them to do what is right.
As such, we need to be good role models. In other words, walk the talk. Yes, it’s a cliché, but it should be a constant reminder for us.
In the case of memorizing Bible verses, walking the talk means manifesting through your words and actions what the Bible preaches.
Doing so helps your kids not only memorize Bible verses by word but more importantly, understand their meaning and essence.
5) Assess and Evaluate
The best way to know if your kids learn is by assessing what they memorize. It can be through oral recitation or a fun family quiz.
Whatever assessment method you want to use, make sure to have a clear end goal in mind.
These are some ideas to get you started:
Method | Objective |
Simple recall (oral recitation) | To master reciting Bible verses |
Bible game | To bond with family members while learning those verses |
Fill-in-the-blank quiz | To memorize the words in those verses and their spelling, capitalization, punctuations, and so on |
Role-playing statements by Bible characters | To exercise comprehension and creativity while memorizing verses |
After assessing, evaluate your kids’ competence. Give them constructive feedback. Pinpoint where they’re good at and where they need to improve.
But be careful not to make comparisons among them, which may result in jealousy due to favoritism. Instead, inspire them to help each other.
6) Share With and Learn From Other Parents
Yes, parenting can be tough. While there is fun, there are also challenges.
But you’re not alone in this journey! As the saying goes, “no man is an island.”
So, go out and find fellow parents you can be friends with.
Begin with your relatives. Then, find some in your neighborhood, at school, at work, or in church.
Share with them your tactics in helping your kids memorize Bible verses. And for sure, you can also learn something from them.
By doing so, you establish a support network. Not only do you meet new friends but also find similar experiences you can relate to.
By sharing experiences, you realize that you still have a lot to learn. No matter how old or mature you feel you are, there’s always room to grow.
7) Reevaluate Your Strategies
After getting tips from other parents, it’s time to sit down and sort things out.
Review your old practices and compare them with what you’ve just learned. There may be things you need to change, improve, or maintain.
But remember that not everything other parents share with you may work the same in your case. Some practices may only apply to them because their children are different from yours.
You will only know it when you implement them with your kids. Suppose their tips work, good for you. If not, stick with what you’ve proven effective from the start.
8) Be Consistent
Now that you’ve done everything, remember to be consistent.
If you start training your kids to wake up early for Bible reading and study, commit to doing it daily.
Suppose you teach prayer before each session, never fail to do it regularly.
Whatever you decide to begin practicing, make it your habit.
We Want to Hear From You
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What have you learned from these 8 tips to help your kids memorize Bible verses faster? What other strategies do you have in mind that can benefit more parents?
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2 Responses
Thank you very much for your inspiring thoughts!
Another great help to memorise Bible verses is the app Remember Me (
Very helpful tips here. I will be interacting with parents who feel their children are slow at taking part in church activities. I hope they will be encouraged to try out some of these ideas here.