This biblical Hero is literally in a class of His own. He is the Supreme Being of the universe. Elohim is one of the many names for God in the Hebrew Bible. It literally means "Supreme One" or "Mighty One." It is a name that emphasizes God's immense power.
Elohim is totally beyond our comprehension. Job 36:26 makes it pretty clear that God is on a different level. We, as humans, can't wrap our minds around Him. “Who has known the mind of the Lord? Or who has become His counselor?” asks the Apostle Paul (Romans 11:34). Clearly, Elohim's thoughts are superior to those of humans.
This doesn't mean we should give up on trying to understand or getting to know God. Elohim doesn't just want us to acknowledge His existence. He is a mystery but, at the same time, He is eager for us to learn more about Him and develop a relationship with Him. Why? Elohim loves us as His children.
God pre-dates everything. It's hard to comprehend but it is true. Because of this, He is independent of all that exists. This doesn't make Him an impersonal force. It means He is in charge. It means He isn't restricted by our human linear and finite way of looking at time. God has no beginning and no end. Don't bother trying to understand this; it's way above our minds.
Because God exists outside the bounds of our idea of time, it's amazing that He welcomes human beings to get to know Him for eternity. Because of this, Elohim is worthy of praise. That is, it's good to remind ourselves of Elohim's amazing qualities and the incredible things He does for us.
Elohim is the source of everything. He created all of nature, every living thing. In Genesis, the first book of the Bible, Elohim is the first being the reader comes across. He is the Creator.
God created all living things in six literal days meaning that Elohim also created our ancestors during this period. What is incredible is that Elohim, the ultimate hero, created human beings in His image. This says a lot about how He sees us and why He calls us His children.
After creating the world, Elohim rested on the seventh day of the week, Saturday, and made it a holy day of rest. In this way, Elohim set a personal example of resting on this special day that humans should follow. This would give us time to recharge physically and reconnect with Him and with our family and friends every week.
There's a profound sense of mystery about Elohim. He's one God but three Persons. The word Elohim is actually a noun in plural form. These three Persons make up what is called the Godhead, comprising God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Known as the Trinity, they act together with one purpose. This reality of God is beyond our comprehension, so don't worry if you are scratching your head right now.
As much as it is a great idea to study the Bible and get to know the nature of the hero Elohim, it is also important to realize and respect that He is also a mystery. This should fill us with a sense of respect and awe.
There are no gods apart from Elohim. And if humans worship anyone or anything else, this makes it a false god, an idol. In the first of the Ten Commandments, Elohim forbids the worship of anyone but Him only. These commandments are the instructions Elohim gave humans in order for them to live harmonious, prosperous lives. The command against worshipping other gods doesn't just mean you shouldn't bow to physical statues of other supposed deities. It has everything to do with priorities. Elohim has to come first in our lives. Otherwise, we are worshipping whatever else we are prioritizing.
To get to know Elohim, the only true God, it's vital to go straight to the Bible instead of some other sources. The Bible keeps us focused on truth and prevents us from being deceived or misled by millions of manmade theories out there.
Elohim is perfect. He loves human beings with an intense fervor. He understands we are not perfect and, because of His love for us, He is incredibly patient with us. He shows mercy and compassion whereas anyone else would have given up.
Despite the fact that human sin creates distance between Elohim and us, He reveals Himself in many ways. Understanding the Bible is key to understanding His nature and the ways by which He seeks to reconnect with us. He wants us to understand that He is not a distant, angry God, eager to pounce on all our mistakes. Instead, God understands what we are going through and invites us to accept both His love and His power so we can best navigate through life.
The deepest expression of Elohim's love came in God the Son's life, death, and resurrection. In an amazing display of love and humility, Elohim actually became one of us through the life of Jesus, who was God the Son in human flesh. This, more than anything, reveals His character.
God the Son, in the form of Jesus, died to pay the penalty for human sin. This sacrifice makes Jesus the ultimate Hero, our Redeemer. It shows just how far Elohim was willing to reach out and restore His relationship with humans. He did what we could never do on our own. Elohim conquered death for us through Jesus.
In the form of Jesus, Elohim is working on our behalf. He represents us in Heaven. Jesus makes sure the record of His perfect, sinless life here on earth is considered in place of our imperfect record. This way, we can go to Heaven as we accept the sacrifice of Jesus on our behalf.
Jesus used a form of the name Elohim when He called out to God the Father in agony from the cross: "Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani?"—which means, "My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?"
This salvation on our behalf was not an afterthought of Elohim. He planned to rescue humans from eternal death “before the foundation of the world” (Ephesians 1:4).
After the death and resurrection of Jesus, Elohim did not leave us to our own devices. Instead, He sent us the Holy Spirit, the third Person of the Godhead, Who would serve as a Comforter and Guide for us in our everyday lives.
The Holy Spirit guides us as we read the Bible. Although ordinary human beings wrote the text, though guided by God anyway, Elohim speaks to us powerfully through the Holy Spirit, delivering insights we cannot tap into by ourselves. In this way, Elohim guides us through the Bible and energizes us to live a life of friendship with Him.
Elohim, through the Holy Spirit, does what no amount of self-help could ever achieve: He transforms us into His children, reflecting His love and compassion. The same Elohim, Who spoke to prophets and inspired Bible writers, and gave Jesus power, is working in us to help us live to our full potential. He wants us to be everything we can be, not only as individuals but also together as a community of believers.
Elohim, the all-powerful God, did not abandon Adam and Eve when they chose to disobey Him. Instead, He had a plan to save them.
Elohim was the source of Samson's power. Sadly, Samson did not always remember this.
Elohim, the source of life, sustained Jesus throughout His earthly ministry so that everyone has the opportunity to spend eternity with Him.
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