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30 de julho de 2021

The amazing Heroes Bible Trivia Game is back

The amazing Heroes Bible Trivia Game is back! Why not learn about the greatest heroes of all time? Suas histórias irão moldar a maneira como você vive e as decisões que você toma na vida real. E você se divertirá muito no processo. Sharpen your knowledge with the ultimate Bible trivia game. Baixe e comece a jogar agora!


30 de julho de 2021

Bible Heroes Trump Superheroes Because of These Six Reasons!

We all can agree. Parenting is not a walk in the park.
The truth is, it is the only job in the world that is on 24/7. There are no retirement nor vacation leaves.
Now, double the load if you are homeschooling your children.
As a parent, you’d probably wish to have some sort of superpowers.

Evangelical Focus Logo

JUly 30, 2021

The amazing Heroes Bible Trivia Game is back

The amazing Heroes Bible Trivia Game is back! Why not learn about the greatest heroes of all time? Suas histórias irão moldar a maneira como você vive e as decisões que você toma na vida real. E você se divertirá muito no processo. Sharpen your knowledge with the ultimate Bible trivia game. Baixe e comece a jogar agora!

What Christian Wants To Know image

JUly 30, 2021

The amazing Heroes Bible Trivia Game is back

The amazing Heroes Bible Trivia Game is back! Why not learn about the greatest heroes of all time? Suas histórias irão moldar a maneira como você vive e as decisões que você toma na vida real. E você se divertirá muito no processo. Sharpen your knowledge with the ultimate Bible trivia game. Baixe e comece a jogar agora!

Bible Hub Logo

JUly 30, 2021

The amazing Heroes Bible Trivia Game is back

The amazing Heroes Bible Trivia Game is back! Why not learn about the greatest heroes of all time? Suas histórias irão moldar a maneira como você vive e as decisões que você toma na vida real. E você se divertirá muito no processo. Sharpen your knowledge with the ultimate Bible trivia game. Baixe e comece a jogar agora!

Our Church Com logo

JUly 30, 2021

The amazing Heroes Bible Trivia Game is back

The amazing Heroes Bible Trivia Game is back! Why not learn about the greatest heroes of all time? Suas histórias irão moldar a maneira como você vive e as decisões que você toma na vida real. E você se divertirá muito no processo. Sharpen your knowledge with the ultimate Bible trivia game. Baixe e comece a jogar agora!

Heroes: Bible Buying Guide
March 7, 2021

10 Benefits of Reading The Bible Daily

The Bible is our Heavenly Manna. It is the Bread of Life. However, most of us often hurry to get through the hustle and bustle of life without even reading it. But you will never waste the time you spend with God. Reading the Word, just like any other activity, has its advantages. In this article, know the ten benefits of reading the Bible daily.
Heroes: AP Sense
March 4, 2021

Most Young People Don’t Like Church Because of These 6 Reasons

Most of the youth in today’s time don’t like attending church. Or at least they do but they find it boring. Why is it so? What is the real problem? In this article, let us identify five reasons why.
Heroes: Money Wise Steward
March 4, 2021

The Power of Prayer: 7 Testimonies from the Heroes of Faith

Throughout the Bible, many heroes of faith attested to the power of prayer. Miracles, big or small, are pieces of evidence that God is consistently at work. Here are the testimonies from 7 heroes of faith!
Heroes: Undoubted Grace
March 4, 2021

10 Uplifting Stories of Women In The Bible Who Impacted the World

Women are beautiful. Not only because of their physical beauty but more importantly, because of their good character and influence. Their beauty shines from generation to generation just like that of these 10 women in the Bible who has made great impact in the world.
Heroes: Supanet
February 22, 2021

5 Awesome Benefits of the Bible in the Brain

While people have been reading the news about death here and there, studies show that Bible reading has also been declining. Thus, the church needs to constantly seek ways to hook people to study God’s words. Here are five benefits of the Bible reading for the brain:
Heroes: Link Center
February 22, 2021

7 Smartest Technological Innovations in Biblical Times

Often, when people think of technology, they think of robots, gadgets, and machinery. However, technology doesn’t look like this throughout history. In the Bible, men had also sought ways to make their activities more comfortable and faster. In this article, we will dig into the seven smartest technological innovations in Biblical times!
Heroes: Grace for Single Parents
February 16, 2021


Do you ever wonder how God could call King David, an adulterer, and murderer, a man after His own heart? One of the wonderful things about the Bible is that its heroes are made up of flawed people, like you and me. Here are 5 reasons why David was a man after God’s heart.
Heroes: DYM Blog banner
February 11, 2021

Top 10 Reasons Why Bible Games Are Effective Teaching Methods

Bible games, including online ones like Heroes II, have lots to offer aside from pleasure and feeling young again. Here are 10 best reasons why they are great in education!
Heroes: Grace Growedify banner
January 27, 2021

10 Inspirational Bible Characters Who Did The Impossible

The Bible is not just an account of true stories. It also includes events that went beyond what we can imagine. As such, who among the Bible characters did such impossible things? What were the stories behind them? How did they do such acts? Did they have superpowers?